
Post-surgery rehab benefits near Franklin, WI

Post-Surgery Rehab

Post-surgery rehab is one of the most beneficial therapies available. If you live in Franklin, Wisconsin, then our team at Franklin Rehabilitation can help you find this type of therapy right in your own backyard. 


We offer you a great choice for your physical therapy needs in Franklin, Wisconsin. What many patients don’t realize is that they can choose the therapy team they use. Our team knows that this choice can profoundly affect the progress of your therapy. One situation in which this is especially visible is when you need post-surgery rehab. 

How our post-surgery rehab may benefit you in Franklin, WI

Our physical therapy team is ready to help you get the post-surgery rehab you require. We make it our goal to help you get the greatest and fastest possible benefit from this type of therapy.


One benefit we may be able to help you achieve is reducing your pain. Surgeries can leave your body in a tremendous amount of pain. In these situations, you may turn to prescription pain-relieving medications. However, we can tell you that these medications will only provide temporary relief for your pain. It’s also possible for you to become addicted to them if you take them for extended periods of time, and this addiction can have serious consequences for your recovery and your life in general. We may be able to help you limit the amount of pain relieving medication you need after your surgery by creating a recovery plan that may naturally limit and relieve your pain. 


Another benefit we may be able to help you achieve with physical therapy after surgery is a shorter recovery. Medical professionals once believed that inactivity was the best way to recover from surgery. Now, we know that getting you moving after your surgery may actually reduce your recovery time. This doesn’t mean that rest doesn’t have its place. 


Rest is very important for your healing process. However, it can be easy for you to overwork yourself after surgery, and this will hinder your recovery. We can help you find just the right blend of therapy exercises and rest that may help you get back to your life more rapidly than rest or therapy alone. 


These two benefits of post-surgery rehabilitation are great, but there’s another benefit you can take advantage of when you choose Franklin Rehabilitation. This benefit is we’re ready to help you get started on your recovery right now. All you have to do is contact one of our two Franklin, Wisconsin locations today to schedule your first post-surgery rehab session with us.